The duration of an A/B test really depends on factors like the amount of traffic your site gets and the type of changes you're testing. Generally, you want to run the test long enough to reach statistical significance, which can vary based on the volume of visitors and the conversion rate you're aiming for. From my experience, most A/B tests take at least 2 to 4 weeks to gather enough data, especially if you're working with smaller traffic volumes. The key is not to rush the process – running the test too short can lead to unreliable results.
For a deeper dive into what statistics say about A/B testing durations, you can check out this detailed breakdown of
a b testing statistics. According to that, a lot of marketers see significant results when they let the test run until they've gathered enough data for a confidence level of 95%. It’s also noted that different elements like page layout changes or headline variations can impact the required duration. For smaller changes, like tweaking a CTA button, shorter test durations can sometimes be sufficient, but for major layout changes, you might need to let the test run longer to get more accurate insights.